Posts tagged gods love
13 Ways to Keep Your Mental Health in Tact During Quarantine

We are approaching the end of April and I have officially lost track of how long we have been in quarantine. Honestly most days I barely know what day of the week it is. 😩 We are definitely living in some interesting times. 🙃When the year started nobody would have ever predicted that just 3 months in we would all be confined to our homes trying to protect ourselves and our families from Covid-19. Life has a funny way of throwing us some unpredictable curve balls. 😕

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God did you forget about me?

‘Ok God what you up there doing? You haven’t said yes or no? You aren’t speaking to me about what you want from me while I wait? You are making me watch as other people get the exact thing I’m praying to you about? This is to much God. The weight of it is crushing me. Why are you letting me suffer and not doing anything? Is my mic not on? 🎙What am I supposed to be doing right now? I am feel completely defeated. How do you expect me to hold on to my faith?’

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2018 The Year of 'Do it SCARED!'

Happy Saturday guys! And also happy New Year! My original intention for this post was to share it a little over a week ago. But as you can see, that didn’t happen. With the holidays, traveling, and a brand new puppy I have definitely had my hands full. But I hope you all had a wonderful 2018 and holiday season. But like me, I hope you all are expecting an even better 2019. Today I am sharing my beginning of the year tradition. Right before the start of every new year I have gotten into the habit of choosing a word or phrase that I want the year to encompass. I do this because I believe that words hold a lot of power and the things we say…

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Thank God for Chapter 30

Welp guys, today is the Big THREE OH (30) and I could not be more grateful! 🙌🏾 For allot of people I know 30 is a hard pill to swallow. My mom and grandmother said they both shed some tears on their 30th birthday because it was the first time they ever felt like they were old. 😫 Now I can not promise there won't be any tears but I will say that I do not feel old. Honestly I feel like my life is just beginning. Like 30 is where life is actually going to start getting good…

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On this Day... 3/29/2016

One of my favorite things on facebook is the 'On This Day' feature. I love logging in and seeing what I was doing, thinking, or snapping 📸 on this very day last year, 2 years ago, and maybe even 6 or 7 years ago. When I looked at this feature today I was excited because I realized that today is a really special day. On this day, 2 years ago, I boarded a flight to Dallas meet my Husband, Ken, for the first time. I haven't really talked much about how we met or our journey to marriage so I want to take today to start sharing our love story...

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2017 | My Year of Faith

Happy New Year loves! Can you guys believe it is 2018 already? 🗓 Am I the only one who feels like this past year flew by? ⏳ I, like everyone else on the planet, use the new year as a clean slate and always make new years resolutions. And like most I never quite hit the mark lol. But there is one resolution I started 2 years ago that works for me. It might sound kind of weird but...

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Filling Voids

I recently had a conversation with a friend that hit really close to home. The conversation was about their cycle of failed relationships. My friend couldn't seem to understand why every relationship they encounter ends disastrously. We have had frequent conversations about dating before, during and after each one of these relationships. But this particular conversation was different because my friend said something that I did not expect...

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Why is Christian Life So Boring?

One thing I see a lot being a young millennial Christian, is a misconception of what Christian life is really like. Many people who believe in Christ but do not live for him (I wrote a blog about this if you don't understand the difference) seem to think that living for Christ is a life filled with church, rules and very little fun. To be honest, if that's what Christianity was really like I don't blame them. Who wants to sign up for a life of boredom and bondage? Not I! ...

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Why I Shared My Testimony

If you watched My Testimony video last month you heard the story of my life (at least a big chunk of it) and my struggles. I always knew that, even in the midst of my storm,  God was preparing me to help other people get through what I was going through. I was just unsure of how God...

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God Did Not Create Us to Fit In

This past weekend I attended homecoming at Howard University for the first time since graduation (c/o 2010). It was like a walk down memory lane.  Overall it was a good trip, but it brought back some not so great memories. While I was walking around at events with my two good friends, I noticed how many people they knew and that were happy to see them. On the other hand, I didn't know very many people at all, even though we all went to the same school at the same time. I did run into a few people I knew very well at one point, but the friendship ended on bad terms years ago. That was pretty awkward. I really only made a two lasting connections in college.

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